Chaplaincy Focus Newsletter

Here is the link to download our second issue of chaplaincy focus newsletter.

There are limited printed copies available and if you would like a copy please email your name and address to

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Chaplaincy Focus Newsletter Launch



Multi-Faith Chaplaincy newsletter Chaplaincy Focus was launched on Tuesday 22nd at VC Boardroom. Vice Chancellor, Mary Stuart, received the first copy of the newsletter from Fr. George, Orthodox Chaplain.

To download the PDF version

Printed copies are available to pick up at Multi-Faith Chaplaincy at Witham House


Faith and Belief in Turbulent Times

Multi-Faith Chaplaincy warmly invite you to a conversation exploring the role of Faith and Belief in turbulent time. Guest panellists representing a wide range of faith and belief will explore this important issue with questions allowed from the floor.

Refreshments will be provided




Faith and Belief


Tomorrow’s Trip to Leicester


As part of the University Fairtrade Fortnight, Multi-Faith Chaplaincy is arranging a trip to Leicester on the theme ‘Fairtrade and Religion’ visiting Hindu Temple, Gurdwara Mosque, and Synagogue. This is an educational trip so no time for visiting shops. There will be a free vegetarian lunch included.
Date: Saturday 4th March 2017

Cost: £10

Buy a ticket